When you arrive, park in the visitor parking located on the south side of our building across from the main entrance. Expect friendly people to greet you at the door. On your way in, please stop by our Welcome Center right inside the main entrance (lower lobby) and our Welcome Team will be happy to orient you to our church and answer any questions you might have.
If you would like more information after your visit, please fill out a Welcome Card and we will be in touch with you.
On any given Sunday, there are 350-400 people joining us for worship.
While there is certainly no “standard” of dress, we believe that gathering on Sunday is a special opportunity to honor the Lord and to serve in His church. Attire is one of those areas where God has given us freedom, and so it varies widely, but most people wear something like business casual.
We are a family of believers in Jesus Christ. We are young and old, big families & small ones, adults and kids, those strong in the faith and brand new believers…and we look forward to being together in person each week!! We want and expect everyone who becomes a part of the BCO Family to thrive, grow and use their gifts in the Core Gatherings of the our church, i.e. Sunday Morning Worship and Adult Flocks/Sunday School.
We also want to give our church family as many opportunities as we can for even further, focused growth, such as our Bible Studies, EquipU Classes and Praxis Groups.
Baptism is for those who have come to saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. If you have not yet been baptized as a believer in Christ, you can move toward fulfilling that biblical command by letting us know of your desire. Click here
We want to answer any of your questions of a spiritual nature and/or about our church. Click here
The Bible Church of Owasso began as a new church plant in 2007. Twenty-three families were enthusiastically sent out by Tulsa Bible Church to engage the Owasso community with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to equip God’s people to serve Him fully.
Functioning as an independent local church from the beginning, it is a joy to experience the growth and progress of the Lord’s work in a warm, energetic group of Christian brothers and sisters who serve the Lord together and encourage one another.
By God’s blessing we were able to pay off our building in 2012, and in 2019 we began making plans toward a new long-term facility. A pandemic served to delay those plans but in God’s providence facilitated us sending out 160 to plant Immanuel Bible Church in Broken Arrow in 2024. We are still planning a future new facility as we anticipate how the Lord will continue to use BCO for His glory far in the future.
We encourage formal membership to all those who attend BCO. We believe formal church membership is a biblical model and a privilege for a number of reasons. The metaphor of the body of Christ highlights the joys and importance of union together (1 Cor 12:12-31). Membership is also evidenced by purposeful submission to the leadership of a local church (Heb 13:17 | 1 Th 5:12-13). The example of the early church indicates believers willingly joined the church rolls (Acts 2:41, 47 | Acts 5:14 | Acts 16:5). Not least of all, the epistles were written to local churches with membership together implied.
Here’s a brief look at the membership process.
- Prospective members must profess faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, give evidence of a changed life, have been baptized as a believer, agree with the Articles of Faith, and agree to abide by the church’s constitution.
- At a Saturday morning membership class, we discuss a brief history of the church, our commitments, our theology and the Christian’s role in the church.
- After applying for membership, an elder will conduct a short membership interview with prospective members.
- The final step in membership is to be introduced to the congregation at a Sunday morning.
We’d like to answer any further questions about membership. Please contact any of the pastors by calling the church office at 918-376-9900.