Associate Pastor : Andrew Copley



To challenge and equip young adults in developing biblical understanding and godly character as they mature into adulthood––for a faithful walk with Christ in all of life.


We are committed to a God-centered ministry to students in 7th – 12th grade that combines:
  • Recognition of parents as primary shepherds of their young adult children
  • Expository teaching of the Bible
  • Corporate worship
  • Proclaiming the Gospel
  • Practical Christian instruction in key areas facing teens
  • Shepherding care
  • Godly fellowship
  • Compassionate outreach

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ. – Colossians 1:28


YOUTH FLOCK (8:45AM Sunday)

The youth gather each Sunday morning for Flock at 8:45am for a time of fellowship, worship, and instruction in the Scriptures and how to apply those truths to their everyday life. Primarily, we teach through a book of the Bible during each semester of the school year. During worship service, the youth join the rest of the church for corporate worship, prayer, and receiving instruction through expository preaching of the Word. Visitors are welcome!

CURRENT STUDY : Psalms and Church History

DGROUPS   (Wednesday Evenings | During the School Year)

DGROUPS (Discipleship Groups) – 6:30pm-8:15pm

DGroups give students an opportunity to grow in their ability to study the Bible, to understand major Christian truths, and to enjoy fellowship with likeminded peers and godly leaders. We meet in smaller groups (JH boys, JH girls, HS boys, HS girls), have group discussion, and share prayer requests and encourage one another to walk with Christ. At the end of DGroups, you are bound to find us playing various and raucous games in gym (usually dodgeball). What a great way to cap off a Wednesday!


Community service activities, evangelistic opportunities, fun outings, annual retreats, annual mission projects, informal gatherings, discipleship relationships all designed to facilitate relationship-building, instruction, service, and worship of Jesus.

Regular annual activities include: IGNITE Conference (High School – Spring Semester), Back-to-School Retreat (7th-12th Grade) , Junior Senior Retreat (Fall Semester),  Summer Missions Trip


Though we have students that span over six grades (7th-12th), we teach through our four-year curriculum designed to equip teens broadly in Christian doctrine and living. The four-year approach serves to familiarize students with these significant concepts in their younger teenage years as they learn beside those that are older. In their final years in youth, students have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the same material and help the younger students who are taking it in for the first time.