Ted has been the preaching pastor since our founding in 2007. His ministry emphasizes careful verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible and encouragement to actively live out the faith and share the good news of Jesus with the world around.
Ted has enjoyed actively serving within the church since college. He was an industrial engineer for seven years prior to feeling compelled to preach God’s Word and help lead His church full-time. Before coming to The Bible Church of Owasso, Ted earned a Master of Divinity from The Master’s Seminary and served for three years as an Associate Pastor at Tulsa Bible Church.
Ted’s wife, Beth, is the love of his life and his helper in the ministry. Ted and Beth love living in Owasso and are blessed to have three children. Ted enjoys being outdoors, reading, competitive sports, family time, and spending time with other believers.

Chuck has served Christ in full-time ministry for over twenty years. God granted him salvation during his childhood in his hometown of Portland, OR. After graduating from Oregon State University, Chuck worked in the service/sales industry in Houston, TX. During those years, Chuck’s desire to serve the Lord in full-time ministry grew, and he left the business world to attend The Master’s Seminary where he earned a Master of Divinity degree.
Since that time, the Lord has allowed Chuck to serve in associate pastor roles in both Alabama and Kansas. He also served as senior pastor for several years. Chuck loves the church of God; his passions in ministry include discipling men, equipping the saints for ministry, and using his administrative/teaching gifts to serve the body of Christ. Chuck’s partner in ministry is his wife, Kathy. They have three adult children: Scott and his wife, Chelsea, Mark, and Rebecca.

Andrew serves as an associate pastor for youth and welcome ministry at BCO. He enjoys teaching the Bible and equipping young people to love Christ and serve His Church. God mercifully gave Andrew faith in Christ as a young child. Andrew’s desire for ministry grew through his involvement in his childhood church in Spokane, Washington. Throughout this time he had the privilege of being mentored by godly men as he moved towards full-time ministry. In 2016, Andrew and his wife Carly moved to Southern California to be trained at The Master’s Seminary. While there, he served college students as a Resident Director at The Master’s University.
Andrew and Carly have three wonderful children. The Copleys love reading, music, coffee, and exploring God’s creation. They are so thankful to be at BCO!

Max serves as associate pastor over the Forge Flock and Outreach ministry. The Lord saved him at the age of fifteen through the influence of faithful youth mentors and expository preaching. Max attended the University of Arkansas and afterward pursued a career in electrical engineering for four years in Dallas, TX. During that time, the Lord grew Max’s desire for full-time ministry, and Max left his engineering career to attend The Master’s Seminary, where he completed the Master of Divinity program in May 2023. Max loves to teach the Scriptures, proclaim the glories of Christ, and build men up through sound theology.
During seminary, Max met and married his wife, Hillary; they have one child. Max loves to read, compete in sports and board games, hunt, fish, and backpack. Both Max and Hillary love animals and hope to be able to raise several animals in the future.

Jeff serves as an Elder in the Gospel Life flock. He is gifted in teaching and the spiritual and practical wisdom that has come from years of studying the Scriptures. Jeff previously served as a deacon from the founding of BCO in 2007 and counts it a joy to serve the congregation at BCO.
Jeff works as an engineer in Tulsa. He is husband to Amy and father to three lovely daughters.

Jay serves as Elder in the Cornerstone flock. After graduating from University of Missouri-Rolla, he left the family farm to work in the Oil and Gas Industry. He retired after 33 years and 11 moves. Along the way, he served the local church in various official capacities and taught adult Sunday School. He also participated in community youth development as a shooting sports instructor.
Jay and his lovely wife, DeeDee, have five grown sons and one daughter.


Daniel serves as an Elder in the Forge Flock at The Bible Church of Owasso. He is passionate about serving the Church of Jesus. Daniel holds a diploma in Theological Studies and a degree in Mechanical Engineering, both of which reflect his personality and dedication.
Daniel has had a varied career and currently works in Research and Development at a meat packing facility. He has been married to his beautiful wife since 2006, and they are blessed with three children: a teenage daughter and two younger sons. The Zubarev family resides in Owasso, where they enjoy living and serving the community.
Paul Calvert | Wes Myers |
John Congleton | Logan Patterson |
Doug Fry | Mike Pride (Lead Deacon) |
David Geer | Nate Smietanski |
Greg Geiger | Rick Stiles |
Aaron Hemphill | Jonathon Wyckoff |
Mitch McKinnis |